Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sock Summit 2011

Full disclosure. I am not a knitter. I can't knit. Literally. My brain does not compute. So the logical question that you are asking by now is, "Why on the earth would you be anywhere near Sock Summit?" and you would be right in doing so. Ah the things that I do for friendship. My BFF, the lovely Sherri, is a dedicated knitter. And she promised me mittens. I'm all about the fingerless mittens. Call me Easy!

But there are advantages for fashionistas at Sock Summit. For example, knitters have cool bags. I've blogged about this before and so you might know that I have a deep appreciation for a knitter's taste in bags. Disappointingly this year, the bags were few and far between. However, I did get some adorable accessory bags from Split Yarn. And in the picture above you can also see my saucy decoupage tin from an unnamed shop (if you are responsible for said tin, please email so I can link to you!).

The other cool thing about Sock Summit is the sheer amount of color and texture in one place. It's fantastic and overwhelming at the same time. Picture the below booth covering the floor space of the Oregon Convention Center in Portland Oregon (home of Sock Summit every TWO years). Presenters, knitters, and yarn/knitting supply vendors come from all over the United States and even parts of Canada to this festival of sock greatness. My BFF has been saving her money since we left the last one (lol).

Here's a picture of the mitten pattern that I picked out from Hazel Knits.

I purchased a gorgeous teal green yarn by the silly name of glow bug from the gorgeous yarn selection from Stricken Smitten for the finished product. I absolutely can't wait until they are finished! Hint! Hint!

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