With spring and Easter rolling in, I have been busy but finally yesterday I was able to visit to the Lancome counter at Macy's. My struggle with dry skin has increased since spring weather changes. So my goal was to get some moisturizing face wash. The sales lady, Vivienne (who was a doll, by the way!) hooked me up with Gelatee Confort. A milky cream, it takes a dab about the size of a nickel to clean away cosmetics. Safe to use around the eyes, it was easy to clean away my eye make-up. It doesn't foam up much but that was ideal since I was looking to avoid any drying soap residue. The cleanser left a layer of moisture on my skin which always makes me nervous because my skin is transluscent and often will look cloudy with a cleanser like this. However, my pores look clean and my skin bright. I did apply a moisturizer after the shower but only because I've been so dry.
While I was there, I asked Vivienne about Genifique. With such a huge advertising campaign, I had hoped to get a little sample but Lancome is holding out. However I tried a bit on the back of my hand. It is lightweight and melts away as you smooth it on. As I walked around the st

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