I just wanted to write a quick blog to address the FTC blog rules for freebies. I makes me a bit sad that the FTC is targeting bloggers and that my professional life (I have a degree in politics and am constantly dealing with policy) should cross over into my personal blog. So this will just be quick statement.
I don't receive any free items from companies. Everything that I review I have obtained through a variety of ways which I will list below.
1. I buy it. I am a consumer. Which also explains the sporadic nature of my entries since I tend to enjoy expensive products ;-). Like any consumer, I have shopping preferences. I generally put links to Amazon, Sephora, Neiman Marcus, or Nordstrom (among others) because those are the places that I shop while online. I also visit niche sites as well. If I purchase the item from there and review it, I will put the link to where I purchased it. I won't put a complete list of my shopping history online because it would be quite extensive!
2. When I purchase from some of the above places, I receive samples or gifts with purchase. I review these items as well. I consider them part of the package price for whatever I bought. Sites like Sephora and Beauty.com give extra sized samples which allows me to experience the product for a week or so. I don't review small samples unless it is a fragrance since it's difficult to tell how the product will react over a period of time. But let me clarify, none of these products were given to me as a way to influence my blog.
3. I have only received two "free" items, only one of which I have reviewed. I won both of them in various giveaways. You will see the second one below. I won a book and a few full sized cosmetics from Lancome. I thanked the blog and did not review any of the items. The other and first 'win' was from L'Oreal who manufactures Ralph Lauren Fragrances. I entered a giveaway and they sent me a bottle of Notorious perfume, which I still use and did review. I was honest in my review of said item as I am in ANY of my reviews.
Beyond this, I have never been solicited by any companies for advertising or reviews. This is probably because I have not affiliated with any blog rings or advertising programs.
I like blogging about products. It can promote discussion about likes, dislikes, new products, ways to use them that I'd never thought of....and just plain fun. Thanks to my one reader for sticking with me!